It's a Sparky!
Coming from someplace near Fomalhaut (the star, not the popular nightclub in Atlanta), this lil' Pokethulhu os a real livewire! He enjoys salsa music and acts of arson. Altho relatively weak, Sparky has alot of potental to devolve into a more powerful Hot Momma! As is, this Pokethulhu makes a good trainer 'thulhu for inexperienced cultists.
NAME: Sparky SPEED: 8 POWER: 4 HIT POINTS: 6 ASPECTS: Luminescent, Non-Euclidian WEAKNESS: Fishy ATTACKS:
INJURE: 1 die (Sunburn, Luminescent) DODGE: 1 die (Space Travel, Non-Elucidian) TRAP: 1 die (Great Walls of Fire, Luminescent) FRIGHTEN: 2 dice (Hotfoot, Luminescent) To look for more Pokethulhu, return to the main page HERE